Generator Diesel Fuel
Viking Fuel is pleased to offer home delivery of Generator Diesel fuel (also known as "Red Dye Diesel"), which is ideal
for running emergency generators.
During the aftermath of the late October snowstorm, we were able to offer this generator diesel delivery service to
Stop and Shop, Shop-Rite stores, and many area nursing homes. We would now like to offer this delivery service
to you, our loyal customers. Of course we all hope to never experience a similar storm, however we must be
prepared. Viking Fuel Oil Co. would be happy to set up delivery of red dye diesel fuel for use in your home or
business generator should we experience another significant power outage. Please contact us at 860-233-6225 to sign
up for this service. Customers who are already on our Red Dye Diesel Delivery list will receive priority service during
an emergency.
What Is Red Dye Diesel?
Red dye diesel is diesel fuel intended for use as home heating fuel or fuel for off-road vehicles, such as farm or construction-site
equipment. It contains less sulfur than automotive diesel fuel but is otherwise very similar. Because automotive fuel
is taxed while home heating fuel is not, diesel fuel intended for home heating or off-road vehicles is dyed red, so revenue
agents can tell them apart. Red dye diesel can be used in any diesel-powered appliance, and any vehicle with a diesel
engine not driven on the roadways, because it is exempt from state road tax. (Please note that it is illegal to
use red dye diesel in your car or truck diesel engine, because you have not paid the state fuel tax.) Red dye diesel
is significantly less expensive than regular diesel, and is perfect for running generators and powering other non-automotive
diesel engines.
See Our Service Areas
Call us today at 860-233-6225 to sign up for our emergency generator diesel fuel delivery list in Connecticut area!